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Region Representatives--Nominations open until August 31st!

Writer: Sheryl-Lynn CaroffSheryl-Lynn Caroff

Regional Representative Elections are coming soon. The nomination period is now. Please read the below letter from the Bylaws and Constitution Chairwoman! The letter is also attached. If approved by your supervisor(s), please post this announcement in your offices!



"Thank you for your interest in the election for regional representative on the Virginia Magistrates Association Regional Board. The VMA will begin accepting nominations for regional representative and alternate regional representative on August 1, 2024. The election for the regional committee will take place from September 1, 2024-September 30, 2024 via electronic mail ballot. The regional board of the VMA Executive Committee is composed of eight members, one member and/or alternate from each of the eight magisterial regions in the state, elected by and representing the judicial districts within that region. The term of office for regional representatives is two years and elections for regional representatives take place in even years. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee are held quarterly and up to three of the regularly scheduled meetings can be held, with majority approval of the executive committee, via teleconference. This is utilized to increase participation among board members who are, by nature of their positions, spread out geographically around the Commonwealth of Virginia. All Executive Committee members, including regional representatives are expected to attend meetings. Following three absences during any term of office by a regional board member, the Executive Committee reserves the right to replace the member. Regional representatives serve on all of the standing committees of the VMA Executive Committee in addition to liaising and reporting on the matters within their respective regions."


Thank you again for your interest, 

Kara Akins 


Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair 

P.O. BOX 2508, SPOTSYLVANIA, VA 22553 

Virginia Magistrates Association, Inc.



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